Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quote Response 5

I'm using Emily Dickinson's "The Lightning is a yellow Fork" (pg 629)

"The Lightning is a yellow Fork
From Tables in the sky."

I like this line because it makes sense to me. Nothing else in this poem makes sense. Maybe I'm not great with symbolism, but then again, I'm a director and an actor, so I work with symbolism all the time. This Dickinson lady is just kinda wacko in my opinion! I also have to wonder why certain words are capitalized mid-sentence and others aren't...anybody care to venture a guesstimate?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Seth. What exactly makes sense to you in this line?

    Dickinson had a kind of eccentric style with capitals and dashes. She wrote hundreds of poems by hand, few of which she published, and the poems were discovered after her death all tied up neatly in bundles. She may have use capitals to emphasize words. Nouns are capitalized in German, but I don't know if that would have influenced her. Nancy
